Looking for a deeper dive into time management, scheduling, habits, routine and more?!

Get READY to dig deep & experience a FULL-BODY shift, as you FIND YOUR FIRE to live your life on purpose, with purpose!


Shifting from feeling burned out to finding balance



✨ Imagine feeling fulfilled in life and with what you do each day your feet hit the floor


✨ Imagine your life empowering you to do more of what YOU want and live life aligned with your goals


✨ Imagine filling up your cup each and every morning first thing to be able to give the best of you and not what’s left of you


✨ Imagine a life of flow & flexibility


✨ Imagine embracing simplicity, progress over perfection a life without the overwhelm


✨ Imagine living your life to the fullest with the BEST version of you inside and out


These classes can alter your life if....

💕you are sick of feeling rundown

💕you are exhausted from being everything for everyone

💕you done chasing perfect & ready to embrace a life of progress

💕you are over wasting your precious life doing what you think others want you to do & start creating your own life by design

💕you are ready to live a life of balance vs burned out

💕you are willing to take messy action to create the life you've desired

What Finding Your Fire will include...

💕 I will be helping you on how to build incredible confidence in yourself that you can manage all the things and still end your night with a glass of wine and a hot bubble bath

💕 I will share my exact system for balancing personal and work life so you never feel overwhelmed with being present in every hat that you wear

💕 I will show you how to prioritize your day in such an effective way that you can find time for the things you love without jeopardizing the time with those you love

💕 I will teach you my proven method for defining your own vision, setting goals & aligning action steps to help put you on the path to confidence and endless opportunities

💕 I will share my simple, yet powerful, mindset belief system so you can always focus on thinking the thoughts that serve you, confidently take action, set needed boundaries and never question yourself again

💕 & most importantly, you will have my supportive community that will high five you every step of the way with each win you experience on your own path to manifesting your OWN confidence


Here's more on my story...

In 2015 I was headed into my 2nd year as a teacher and wanted to put my best self forward towards my career and for my students so I dove into my fitness journey and...

I found something that helped me battle back against my hypothyroid, migraines and lethargic 25 year old self. I just wanted to look & feel "normal" again.

It changed my life at a caliber I never anticipated on that I felt compelled to become a health & fitness coach in hopes to help others who struggled the way I did. This coaching avenue turned out to be the stepping stone to me walking away from the classroom after reaching my financial goals.

As I pursued this opportunity full time a new door, a new opportunity presented itself as the next right step for me to continue my passion for helping others outside of the classroom not just with health and fitness but full-body wellness with life/performance coaching.

I truly feel I am FULLY equipped to help you achieve your goals without overwhelm.

Hear what clients had to say about their own coaching calls with Megan


The one on one call I had with Megan really opened my eyes to see the real problem at hand when it came to my business. And what was truly holding me back. She asked the questions I had the answers to, just scared to admit defeat. After our chat I was able to start game planning and put into action the steps I needed to take to be in a much more intentional space as a woman and a business leader. I started to open up and share more of who I am, which allowed me to enter an entirely new space in my entrepreneurial adventure. Thank you so very much for asking the right questions!


My coach call really helped me get my days on track! We started out with my problem & what I really thought was the problem really wasn't the case at all. I found that I just needed to set time away each day to stick to the things that I wanted to get done for the day. The direction I got to schedule out my days is truly something that has helped me stick to things way easier!


The call help me realize that I AM a good mom and just because my kids are angry and upset about things currently in the long run...they will understand and I am doing the best I can

I gained more confidence literally in one call...I have been trying to tell myself everyday to try to get myself to realize that I AM a good mom

Action after the call...yes...telling myself I am doing good and I am a good mom

Thank you for everything!!!


Loved the call. Definitely helped me open up and bit, which I really needed. You helped me realize a lot of things about myself. For example I strive for independence (even though I already knew that, but was in denial 😆 ).

You helped me form a mantra that I have saved to remind myself who I am and that I can do anything if I just believe in my damn self. ❤

Frequently Asked Questions


©️ 2022. All Rights Reserved. Megan Giese