It was SO worth it!

Aug 25, 2022

The next 9 months flew by. Kidding =) but looking back at it, they did go super fast. At 8 weeks we found out our first baby would be a girl from our Sneak Peek Test. It was confirmed at our 19 week appointment that the previous test was correct. 

I remember knowing EXACTLY what her name would be after seeing GIRL in all pink at 8 weeks.

I had heard the name from the movie, Blindside, four years previously and had put the name in the notes on my Apple Iphone. I told myself then that someday, if I had a girl; it'd be Collins. Little did I know that my first born would in fact be a girl; how cool is the Universe right?

Collins Elizabeth Giese. Elizabeth was my middle name and was my grandma's name; it was perfect.

Once we found out it was a girl, I spent my days and weeks on Pinterest getting her room ready, doing tons of shopping and learning all the new gadgets I needed before her arrival. At the time, it seemed that each week took forever because I was BEYOND excited to meet her but...

Before I know it I was getting ready for our baby shower and packing my hospital bag. I had the birth plan all figured out. I would give birth, be ready to go home a day or two later and get back into my routine asap. HA! If only life were that simple. 

Instead of the 40 week target time, Collins decided that she was fine the way she was and I went 41 weeks. I was induced on a Wednesday, sent home on Thursday night for a few hours to relax and take a bath and head back in to the hospital later that night. Friday morning came and even though I was paper thin, my water broke, there was still no baby. I wasn't dilating and had been in labor for 2 days. 

I ended up with an epidural that took until it didn't. It must have moved once I laid down because I felt EVERYTHING. The contractions came, I was in intense pain, any meds they gave me wouldn't take. The nurse at one point said that a horse would be down but yet, there I was. Thanks body.

I had another ultrasound around supper time, saw all the hair our little girl had and how perfect she was. Well, perfectly laying with her hands by her face not wanting to come out. Finally around 8:30pm that Friday night, the doctor came in and said it was time to call it. 

I went in for an emergency c-section. My body at this point was what seemed like 20 pounds heavier from all the fluid and swelling, medication still not taking almost put myself on the operating table to be cut 7 layers deep. 

9:44pm our precious girl was born. This time was so special as my college freshman/sophomore softball number at Buena Vista University was 9 and Aaron's (my hubby/her dad) college football number was, yup you guessed it-- 44. Thank you Universe yet again.

The next few weeks would be the worst of my life. I was so weak, unable to shower alone and literally do anything else. The doctor tallied it up to the fact I was literally inches from giving birth after 48 hours and then having to have a c-section. 

Finally the swelling went down, my 6 week check up came and gone and I was FINALLY able to get back into the swing of things. Or so I thought